Sunday 28 March 2010

Nail Art 3

Hehe, another post about nails.
I was going to post this the day after I posted the last,
but laptop usage come in, so I couldnt get to use it.

Any way, I painted my mums nails with my new yellow nail varnish. :).
They kinda go with the whole 'summery' feel, even though were I am(Uk)....
all its been is rain...*sigh*.

 I do hope you can see what the pattern is,
if not.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Nail Art 2

Hehe, well last night I made my nails all pretty again haha xD.
So I thought I'd take a photo and show you,
seemin' as my cameras just been charged haha :).
Hopefully, you can see what the details are....the clear nail varnish is annoying to take photos of.
If not:

Sunday 21 March 2010

Brush Tool Tutorial

Well, my friend asked me about brush tools the other day,
as in my college work I had little butterflies and roses and she didn’t know how to do it.
So I thought I would give you this so I can hopefully help other people too.
*All of these brushes in the tutorial/examples can be resized in anyway, to your preference.
*I am using Photoshop CS2, so things may vary in different versions of the program.
*All examples are below their explainations.
*More detailed look into the brushes are in the images, so please click the pictures to enlarge.

Small update

Well, last Sunday my poor poor PC died,
which is the reason for the huge inactivey.
(More can be read on my dA journal here->

All my stuff I had stored I don't think well be able to be restored,
so anything, I had planned to posted anywhere is now gone!!

But I have been working on a few things, that I can hopefully post soon,
any time I get chance to use my dads laptop.

So yeah, I will be back as soon as possible with hopefully a tutorial,
and a new drawing :).

Friday 12 March 2010

Buffy and Angel....

Haha well its a random post,
but lately my addiction to 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel' has come back :).
This I think would be the 5th or 6th time watching though the series, haha xD~
and yet I still am not bored with it.

Oh well, maybe its 'cause I know that they are realible 'Vampire' series,
that actually show proper vampires, and their 'true nature'.
Instead of rubbish 'sparkling','emo', seemingly 'young' highschool students haha~
I mean, really, if you were a vampire....would you really want to be at school?? xD~
which are some of the things that are portrayed in the newest vampire shows.
(Won't list the numerous amounts of series that have come about, since one popular 'book to movie' thing come out xD~).

Haha, thats it for this post, 'Buffys' now over on the TV,
so back to being bored and browsering junk online :).

Sunday 7 March 2010

Alice In Wonderland

Well I watched the new Tim Burton film 'Alice In Wonderland' yesterday, so I think I'll give you my opinion.
*Some parts of this are vague but I don’t want to give away any spoilers.

This version I think is very different then other 'AliceIWL' films.
It follows Alice as she re-visits Wonderland and takes a different story then other older AIWL films.

The backgrounds are amazing and I loved the characters,
but in a way, I find the characters where the only thing that really made the film
'pop', as all of them had their own quirky touch and action which they all play very well.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

How to make an animated GIF

Well Im back with another basic tutorial for how to make a simple animated GIF.

*Im only using Photoshop Cs2, so icon and selection maybe different on other versions of Photoshop. The same basic properties are the same though.

*The exact same things can be done on 'Image Ready', but again there maybe slight differences.
Using only screen shots or your own images. Im just using Photoshop as it comes as more of a convience to me.