Wednesday 22 June 2011

X-Men: First Class

 Last night, I went to see X-Men: First Class, as I am an  X-Men/Marvel fan, I always except to like them even if they do make mistake with the story along the way haha~
*This review will be vague as to not spoil anything*

 So this film follows the 'X-Men' before they were the X-Men at all, where it introduces Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Erik Lensherr (Michael Fassbende) as they are only just learning about their mutant powers, and are developing how to control them, beginning their friendship and the story. This leads them to having to work with the CIA and meeting more mutants such as the familiar face of Hank McCoy/Beast (Nicolas Hault) and Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) to against another Mutant Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon).Sebastian is trying to take government issues into his own and start a nuclear war as well as having his own past stories with Erik. Though out this, things start to unveil how Charles/(Later on Professor X (Patrick Stuwart)) and  Erik/(Later on Magneto (Ian McKellen)) being to see their differences with how they portray their mutant abilities.

Now that's out of the way, how was the film as a whole? Well....I really enjoyed watching it. Though the story mistakes where a slight distraction, the film was good.  I think it has brought the standard back up from the previous X-Men sequels. It was fast paced and told the story very well, and was balanced so everything was understandable. I think it definitely kept the audience gripped in 'til the dramatic ending which I have to say is epic haha. The CG of the mutant powers where as always, amazing and they really showed how powerful these mutants can and are.That followed by the acting from the Mutants themselves, mainly I think Erik who in my opinion struggled the most in controlling his powers really made this film great. Other actor(tresses)  Jennifer Lawrence and Nicolas hault really evoked the emotions  and the hardship the less human looking mutants need to endure just to fit in with a world, that doesn't understand or even know about mutants very well, and it got you instantly feeling something for them.

So yeah, instead of me saying more about how good this film was, but with story mistakes (which wouldn't make a difference for those who don't know/have read or know about the X-Men comic etc...), then go watch this film if you like the previous ones or like Marvel Movies. It is definitely a worth watch!!

Other movies to watch when your bored-


1 comment:

  1. Hey i like X-men, i have seen all parts of x_men but i was a bit disappointed with x_men first class.


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