Sunday 1 August 2010

Basics of starting a comic

*This is the easiest steps I go though to making the comics I start but never finish.
*This is a way I find easiest, I'm not saying it the best in anyway.
*Please full view the example picture by clicking.
*This character and story belongs to me (MayonakaSun), do not steal!!

Before these steps, I first think of a genre whether it be horror, mystery, comedy etc... and what I want the comic to be about? For my example it more a mystery/ horror.
then here's where the steps come in:

1. First thing is think of your character(s). Gender, age, main characteristics, like and dislikes, this will help you get a feel for your characters personality and will help you draw them. For my comic I actually have 4 main characters, but for this example I've put just one.
When I am thinking of my characters personalities I uses different influences, like other people such as friends, actors/actresses or other characters, for main characters only I use myself sometimes so I can kind of understand my character and sometimes astrology I use to get my character personalities as well and try to either make them the complete opposite or tweak their personalities to make them more individual.

2.Next thing I always do, is write out my first page, basing it sometimes around my characters, the story and what it will be about. I hit all the main aspect of that page, writing any speech and mainly drawing the lighting angles, in little boxes which you can see in the example. E.g In mine it got a character looking out of their apartment window.

3. This is more of an optional process, but what I always do it write it fully like a proper story, so I can visualise the scene more and understand better whatever it will be a first person speaker for that section, a 3rd person and so on. But as I said that is optional, so this can be skipped.

4. I draw up all the panels in very basics sketches/ layout with pencil just to get a feel for what my page will look like with no detail at all. I draw all the panels, dialogue and very messy looking sketches of the main focus points.

5. If I ever got any further with any of my comics, I would next start the detailing. Of the characters, backgrounds and writing, with pencil. Then start the linings with pigment liners, and finally all the finishing shadowing and detailing. But as Ive never got that far with any of my comics (5 I've started in this process and never got further with it so far D:) I cannot add on with this sadly.

But yeah this is the very basic way I start my comics, as I said I am not an expert nor am I saying this is the best way to start, but I really hope it has helped. Thank you for reading.

Shorter version can be seen on my deviantART, link in the side panel.

Cartoon Drawing Secrets.

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