Sunday 21 November 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Movie Review

So yesterday I went with some friends to Watch the last Harry Potter film and what can I say but this was as with all the Potter films good.
*This review maybe vague due to not wanting to spoil anything for those who have not read the books (like myself).

So as I have not read the books except the first one for this series so I will be basing my review solely on what I have watched from other films and rather against the books. I think reviewing this film will be very hard  for me to do, as there not much to go on if I haven't read the books and only watched all of the films, but I will try my best to give the best review I can,

So it starts off where the last one ended, and after 'dark wizards' (or whatever their called) have taken over Hogwarts along with Voldamor, in which he is now after  Harry and seeking to destroy all Mudbloods and Muggles and anyone that likes or has anything to do with them.

As I mentioned above, this film as with all the rest are very good and full action and a great story,  but this one seemed slightly over dragged and went on too long even though it was only about 2 and a half hours long. I think there was too much of a gap between things and that it didn't really have too much in it at all compared to the other films it just seemed like a lot walking round talking and it was like they shoved all the action and story in at the start with a little too  too much angst, which I know and understand why it was like that it just seem too much. Other slightly annoying thing was the amount of new magic their wasn't (as my brother insists on saying each time a new 'HP' movie comes out)....with this one I agree on there wasn't really a lot of magic, other then then the usual stuff, they always use they didn't add onto that magic with new things. I know by me saying this avid fans will disagree but this is just my own opinion.

But aside from all the annoying things, which I seemed to be maybe picking on too much, there where as always great things that where in it which manly come into the story line, the actors and actresses and the amazing sets and atmosphere. Though as stated above there wasn't all that much magic what magic they did use I liked it as the effects looked great.
 I think the main part that really stood out for me was the part with the story about 'The Three Brothers' as it was a complete change in what I've ever seen in a HP film and resemble a shadow puppet story which I thought was really cool heh.

Anyway, if you like Harry Potter films its a definite watch, but if this will be your first HP film to watch with out previously watching any, I suggest you go watch the other first as I don't think you'll be able to pick up the plot very well :).

So yep, that's all I can say for now about this film. 

Other movies to watch when your bored->

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