Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Dir en Grey New Look

Random post about Dir en greys new look 'cause I've not posted in a while, and it seems like a good topic to write about at this time haha xD~
This post is only for fun, and it doesnt change the way I think them or their music just becuase of their new look , plus they are just general thought of what I think so it is not to be taken seriously in any way!! 

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Movie Review

So yesterday I went with some friends to Watch the last Harry Potter film and what can I say but this was as with all the Potter films good.
*This review maybe vague due to not wanting to spoil anything for those who have not read the books (like myself).

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Nail Art 4

Well, I havent posted on here for awhile now due to not having a pc 'n (http://mayonakasun.deviantart.com/journal/35130101/), but I've finally got time to post and it another about my recent Nail Art.

Monday, 16 August 2010

New Art....

Well, I have not posted any new art for a while now, so I think I will now :)~

So this  is called 'Eye of Emptiness'. The inspiration I got for this was by looking at a cover of a sketch book which had a portrait of a women, made in pencil.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Weird Review

I know this is quite an old film now (2008), but I just bought and watched it today as I've been wanting to for a while now, so it needs a review :D~
*Most will be vague because I don't want to ruin anything.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Kdrama Review: You're Beautiful

*Most will be vague because already most people will already know what happens I dont want to spoil for those who dont :).

Basics of starting a comic

*This is the easiest steps I go though to making the comics I start but never finish.
*This is a way I find easiest, I'm not saying it the best in anyway.
*Please full view the example picture by clicking.
*This character and story belongs to me (MayonakaSun), do not steal!!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Predators Movie reveiw

*Most of this will be vague because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone.

Watched the new 'Predators' film today with my brother and a friend today,
and what can I say....

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

2 in 1 post tutorial and new art

Well these I actually uploaded on deviantART a couple of days ago.
First one is my finally completed Tenchi Muyos Ryoko fanart :D (Im uploading the stages towards so I can talk more about it instead of just saying 'This is my art' haha)

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Cain drawing tutorial

Hey, as I said in my previous post I'd give you a small tutorial on my recent art here.
*Please click to view this fully.
*I am no where near an expert at this, I just explain what I find best and easiest for me :)~

As there is not much to say about the process I will only mainly be saying the pencils I used and pencil lines.

Recent Art

Well, the first one is another continuation of my 'GazettE'series seen here ->http://mayonakasun.blogspot.com/2010/06/new-art.html

This time it as you can see is Kai.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

New art again....

This is 'Silenced Forest'.....
Well, I wont really be typing much on this, as I have already wrote loads about it on my deviantART hehe
So please if you want to read about it on there  :).

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

New Art....

Well, here is my newest art.

First one is a watercolour painting of Bassist Reita from the GazettE.

Watercolour Uruha Tutorial....

So this is just tutorial on watercolour painting, using Uruha from the Gazette. (Japanese rock musician)
*I am no where near an expert and do not know everything to do with watercolour painting, I just use them in a way I find best.
*I am not using watercolour paper so it will probably look different probably look different on there.
*The watercolours Im using are only Aquafine by I think Daler Rownay, I not sure if they are good or bad but I do find they are good quality for cheaper paints :).
*PLEASE click on this image to view it completely.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Ryoko WIP....

Well this is kind of just a question on how I should colour this.....
I cant decide whether to colour using Photoshop, or to colour using watercolour paints, or pencils.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

London MCM Expo 29th May 2010

Well this I guess is a semi continuation of my deviantART journal here -> http://mayonakasun.deviantart.com/ please read both if you can :)~

So yeah a quick summary from my Journal,
we went to the MCM Expo yesterday (29th May),as you know from one of my previous posts, I was cosplaying as a Team Rocket Grunt and we got quite a bit of attention, which made me really happy as it was our first time cosplaying and I worked hard on it hehe :)~

The place was a lot more professional looking and more spaced out, which made the event a lot more enjoyable, as the 4 of us didnt keep getting spit up, we broke the world record for 'The most people playing the DS at one time' its cool knowing I was apart of that he
 he :).

I bought some manga and some circle lenses which were such good value for money as they were only £15 for 6 months worth of usage hehe.

Now for a photo spam of amazing cosplayers and costumes and events :D~

Monday, 24 May 2010

New Art....

Well, it this again. Me and my new art....that isnt really all that new....
Ok so first one is called,

'Is it Raining?'

 This is a different style I tried, making it slightly more realistic and using hints of colour. The look I wanted with this is an old fashioned english, with a modern twist, I dont know if I have really shown that....hopefully I have haha :).
The next is a kind of continueation of the previous called 'Is it raining?....Nope....'

Monday, 17 May 2010

HELLo~ My recent Art....

Hello, well though this I uploaded onto my deviantART,
last week, its still my recent art so I'll tell you about it here too :)~

 So its called 'HELLo~

Saturday, 8 May 2010


Ok, I know 'Zombieland' is quite an old film now,
but seeming as I really liked it I thought I'd make a small review of my opionion :).
*Some parts maybe vague due to not wanting to spoil it :).

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Upcoming events....

Well, just thought I'd say a few things I want and will be attending this month.

First one, on the 05 May 2010, is the Waterstone's Manga and Anime Evening. Though its kind of pointless saying as its hardly known, I just thought I'd mention it, in case haha~ Anyway, I will be competing in the art contest they hold, mainly against my friend, but if you see a all purple wearing girl, with a swirly greeny/blue background, its mine :).

The next is the London MCM Expo, 29th May 2010. This one I will be cosplaying as Team Rocket Grunt, along with my brother....It will be our first time cosplaying so I'm hoping things will go ok :). So if you see a two grunts, with a small group of people its probably us.

The next one I want to attend, is the Dir en Grey concert, in London 3rd of August. Though there’s a small chance I will be able to go due to money and transport troubles, I still am really hoping I will be able to go somehow :S....

So yeah, though none of you know me, just thought I'd post to see if anyone else will be going to these events that’s all, cya' 'til my next post :).

Monday, 26 April 2010

New art....

Well, I havent posted this type of post in a while
so I thought I would :).

So the first one, is called, 'Shoot 'em down'.
This is what comes from playing too much 'Yakuza 3' haha....and when I start drawing 'Yakuza-ish' looking guys....ish and making him look similar to Daigo from series haha xD.

With this I tried makeing it look similar to an old-school looking anime like 'Cowboy bebop' or something, with the colours, lines and the huge gun in the background. I dont know if I have fully succeeded in this, but hopefully you can see at least some similarities to

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Looks like....Kyo?!?

Just a random post about the recent-ish 'Adidas Orginals' advert.
Well the moment this advert started showing,
me and my brother noticed this guy (see screen-shot)

We instantly thought 'He looks like Kyo!!' hahaha xD
Knowing Kyo went though an 'Adidas stage' just made it funnier haha.
I mean, I know this isnt Kyo....but his hair is similar to when he was in the 'Adidas stage',
the way he walks is similar and just overall we found he just looked similar haha.
But when you look at it more, he seems/is too tall to be 'lil shorty Kyo and just certain things make you see its not him.

I would just laugh if this guy was actually Kyo, it would make things just a little more funnier hehe.

So yeah just a 'lil random post :).

Watch advert here-->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNOA3Veod8s 0:04 - 0:05 xD~
*Disclaimer*-I did not make or own any of this, I just took the screenshot from Youtube.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Clash of the Titans 2010

Today I watch the remake of 'Clash of the Titans' in 3D with my brother and a friend.

*Some parts of this 'review' will be vague, as I don’t want to spoil anything.

*CoT=Clash of the Titans

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl

Well what can I say about this film??
Hmm, first off, I thought from reading the back and looking at the cover, it looked and sounded good.
So I bought it.

Sunday, 4 April 2010


Yesterday I went with a friend to watch the play/musical 'Wicked',
at the 'Victoria Apollo Theatre' in London.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Nail Art 3

Hehe, another post about nails.
I was going to post this the day after I posted the last,
but laptop usage come in, so I couldnt get to use it.

Any way, I painted my mums nails with my new yellow nail varnish. :).
They kinda go with the whole 'summery' feel, even though were I am(Uk)....
all its been is rain...*sigh*.

 I do hope you can see what the pattern is,
if not.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Nail Art 2

Hehe, well last night I made my nails all pretty again haha xD.
So I thought I'd take a photo and show you,
seemin' as my cameras just been charged haha :).
Hopefully, you can see what the details are....the clear nail varnish is annoying to take photos of.
If not:

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Brush Tool Tutorial

Well, my friend asked me about brush tools the other day,
as in my college work I had little butterflies and roses and she didn’t know how to do it.
So I thought I would give you this so I can hopefully help other people too.
*All of these brushes in the tutorial/examples can be resized in anyway, to your preference.
*I am using Photoshop CS2, so things may vary in different versions of the program.
*All examples are below their explainations.
*More detailed look into the brushes are in the images, so please click the pictures to enlarge.

Small update

Well, last Sunday my poor poor PC died,
which is the reason for the huge inactivey.
(More can be read on my dA journal here-> http://mayonakasun.deviantart.com/journal/30913322/)

All my stuff I had stored I don't think well be able to be restored,
so anything, I had planned to posted anywhere is now gone!!

But I have been working on a few things, that I can hopefully post soon,
any time I get chance to use my dads laptop.

So yeah, I will be back as soon as possible with hopefully a tutorial,
and a new drawing :).

Friday, 12 March 2010

Buffy and Angel....

Haha well its a random post,
but lately my addiction to 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel' has come back :).
This I think would be the 5th or 6th time watching though the series, haha xD~
and yet I still am not bored with it.

Oh well, maybe its 'cause I know that they are realible 'Vampire' series,
that actually show proper vampires, and their 'true nature'.
Instead of rubbish 'sparkling','emo', seemingly 'young' highschool students haha~
I mean, really, if you were a vampire....would you really want to be at school?? xD~
which are some of the things that are portrayed in the newest vampire shows.
(Won't list the numerous amounts of series that have come about, since one popular 'book to movie' thing come out xD~).

Haha, thats it for this post, 'Buffys' now over on the TV,
so back to being bored and browsering junk online :).

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Alice In Wonderland

Well I watched the new Tim Burton film 'Alice In Wonderland' yesterday, so I think I'll give you my opinion.
*Some parts of this are vague but I don’t want to give away any spoilers.

This version I think is very different then other 'AliceIWL' films.
It follows Alice as she re-visits Wonderland and takes a different story then other older AIWL films.

The backgrounds are amazing and I loved the characters,
but in a way, I find the characters where the only thing that really made the film
'pop', as all of them had their own quirky touch and action which they all play very well.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

How to make an animated GIF

Well Im back with another basic tutorial for how to make a simple animated GIF.

*Im only using Photoshop Cs2, so icon and selection maybe different on other versions of Photoshop. The same basic properties are the same though.

*The exact same things can be done on 'Image Ready', but again there maybe slight differences.
Using only screen shots or your own images. Im just using Photoshop as it comes as more of a convience to me.

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Art again :)

Well what can I say it my ususal thing of posting my new art.
So here it is-> ('A lil' Round Red Fruit' http://mayonakasun.deviantart.com/art/A-lil-Round-Red-Fruit-155513372)

As you can see its a Pomegranate fruit.
This is a photo I took for my college work, as a reference for the project I was doing.
It brought instant inspiration, with the vibrant colours, the shapes and textures that are formed, I couldn't help but take a photo.

This was taken November 2009 using my Phone camera surspirsingly enough haha :).

Well thats it :)

Artist that work with decay

Well, when doing my art textiles essays on artists that work with decay,
I found that there where not many answers whilst I was searching
and that a lot just repeated themselves saying the same artist over and over such as Salavdor Dali, who only works with time decay like death and life not material decay which is what most people seemed to actually want.
So as I know how hard it is to find artists that work with decay on the web, for references for books to look for and reference in essays like myself, I thought I'd give you a small list of them.

So first one I though really helped me was a British contemporary artist called Helen Chadwick. She works with various mixed medias, such as rotten fruit, meat, urine, flowers and chocolate.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Anime digital art tutorial

Well I shall be telling you how I make a digital anime art painting using a scanner, Photoshop and a cheap graphics tablet, which is a Wacom Bamboo fun.
Please visit my more recent anime digital art tutorial here 'Falling Apart' -Digital anime art tutorial.

*Most/all the parts I made on all separate layers.
*All this is from what I know to do easiest, I am not the best and there will probably be much better ways of doing this, mine just comes as an example for techniques.
*I am only using Photoshop CS2, things may varies of different versions.
*More in depth examplainations on all the images, so please click to enlarge them. :).
*All images are above the examplanation of that section.
*This painting can be found on my deviantART page ->http://mayonakasun.deviantart.com/art/Pirate-Girl-126031671

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Well I'm posting to just to tell you about one more of my recent art.

Its called 'Messed Up' which was inspired by the 'Dark Horse Manga' series 'MPD-Psycho' hopefully you can see why if you've read that manga haha~ If you havent read it though I recommend it, if you like slightly disturbing, murder scenes :)

Anyway back to my art, this was done in about 3 or so hours, using Mechanical Pencil, copic markers and Photoshop.
This is the very basic steps I took to create this. For Full details visit my deviantART page. here, my links have stopped working yet again so unfortunatly this will have to be copy and pasted in the address bar sorry .http://mayonakasun.deviantart.com/art/Messed-Up-153263715

Also, my scanner is not working, so I can't post anything new for a while unless, I find the scanner disc so I can 'uninstall reinstall' the scanner, or get a new one......which I'm hoping it won't come to that :(

Thursday, 11 February 2010

How to make a basic banner

Well ok so this is a tutorial on how to make basic banners for your own blogs and websites.

First thing you need is Photoshop and hopefully saved pictures on your PC or MAC.

All I used was pictures I had saved on my PC.

First thing I did was open the pictures I wanted to use.

I will be using these for my tutorial. Simply click all the images to enlarge them the main image you will be looking at is the smaller sideways one.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Photoshop Small Explainations/Tutorials....

Well I thought I'd make make a small tutorial/ explanation thing for Photoshop for editing pictures and Photos and things . Ok so I’m not saying I’m the best, in any way as I am still learning myself even though I’ve had it for ages now haha~xD
But still maybe it’ll help some of you too, so I thought I’d post it here.
For my examples or models I should say I will be using a picture of the Tidus from Final Fantasy X and Kyo from Dir en grey ‘cause their cool ‘n all :)
Right so for some effects I sometimes like to use first:

Monday, 1 February 2010

New Art....

This is the ususal thing, showing you my new art.
Well this time its only one and its Rikku from Final Fantasy X/X-2....
Which can be found on my deviantART (sorry you will have to copy and paste, my links are still not working http://mayonakasun.deviantart.com/art/Rikku-152566675)

With this one I wanted to make it looks a lot more simple and change up my style
a lot. I tried making it look different, from making the colours simplier, the lines, and overall less detail.
I hope you can see that haha.
It took me absolutely ages for some strange reason haha, about 2-3 hours which is kinda bad really for what it is haha :).

But anyway, thats it, I dont know what else to type haha :D

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Im so sorry but I love you....

Hmmm My obsession of Big Bang has come about again....
What is it about their songs that get me so addicted??
I think its their catchy beats, their repetitive lyrics and chorus,
or is it just because I don't actually understand what they are saying,
unless I translate it, that hypotises me?? haha....
Oh well....It must be....

Or is it for some, all about their looks....not that you can hear their looks, but still for some it could be :S haha

Anyway just a random little post :)

Monday, 25 January 2010

Watched Ninja Assassin~

Just a post to say how cool Ninja Assassin is haha.
Watched it on Saturday (23rd Jan second day of release in UK, after 2 delays hahaha xD)
Though it is the typical 'Ninja' thing I still think it is very good
not boring at all in my opinion it has a lot in it
from a lot of good martial arts scenes, good action and for gore fans...a lot of gore hahaha xD
Yeah there are faults and is not the best film Ive watched, but still worth watching if you like that type of thing.

Also,since Rains in it who does a very good job, it makes it even better 'cause hes just super cool and stuff and its one of the only reasons I watched it haha :)
Yep thats it :)

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

New Art....

Well this is a post for my recent art and work in progress.
First one is of a Ballet dancer whose a puppet on string. The influence very much came from the gazettes 'Distress and Coma' PV, but I made it my own by changin a lot of things
I used watercolour paints to create this. You can view the full size on my deviant Art ( or http://mayonakasun.deviantart.com/art/Ballet-Rose-151011502 if the link dont work)

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Tekken Movie....

Well, what can I say??
This movie will be complete fail just like the Dragon Ball Z movie.
One thing is, in the games they all had where they come from,
whether it be Britian, America, China, Jamaica and Japan....and one thing is Jin was and is Japanese...so what happens??
They get a British guy....
Ok, so he maybe be a good fighter,and you can clearly see he is
but still....is it THAT hard, especially for a lower budget film not from Hollywood?? (well from what I know of it at the moment)

I do admit though, it does look a lot better then the DBZ movie, and looks like theyve kept the style the same as Tekken, so heres hoping it will be a little bit better, unlike the DBZ movie I refused to watch at all. :)

Watch trailer here if you havent already :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st6dHmDSkhY (Edit: copy and paste Argh my links are not working >__< sorry)

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Oh its sad....And recent art....

Argh Will I ever get my DIM Scene DVD (gazettE)??
Well, I ordered from Amazon 26th Of December along with DIM CD....
and what happens, it doesnt come in stock.
The UK release was 5th Of January but they didnt get it from their supplier~ :(
The CD will be delievered Monday, but my poor DVD, nope....
Its tempting to watch on Youtube hahaha, but I dont want it to be a waste of money if I done that haha~
Oh well, that was pointless ^_^

Also, I thought Id post some of My recent art again.

As you can see, one is a Teddy Bear and the other is a Merman.
Both of these can be found on my deviantART

Ok 'til next post~