Tuesday 13 September 2011

New Art- 'That Green Colour'

Hey! Well I havent really posted done  a 'new art' post in a while now.....well what I mean by that is one withouth a tutorial hah.

Anyway as the title says this one is called 'That Green Colour'. This is a style that you lot havent seen from me, but is actually a style I have been doing now for a little more than a month now but on paper.( I need a new scanner so uploading traditional art is not possible at the moment!) This time I thought I'd try it on Photoshop and I think it has come out pretty good actually so I am happy with it :)~

So now to the art stuff about this:
I used Photoshop CS....yes just CS haha and my drawing tablet (Wacom Bamboo fun I think it is hah).
So where did I get the inspiration for this some what strange piece? I dont actually know, it just come to my head as most things and I draw it as best I can from the image in my head haha ....
The reason for the gymnast cat? Again no reason.....I'm not too sure myself to be honest, but he's there and he seems quite happy standing on his paw like that...so I think its bes to leave him be haha.....
Right so thats it for this post, I have nothing more to type about it, tell me what you think in the comment section or post a comment over at my deviantART.

P.s. Yes, I understand that 'mayonakasun.blogspot' and 'mayonakasun.deviantart' is a huge distraction but this is the internet, I think you know what its purpose is. You can view it fully on my deviantART though! Much appreciated if you do!

Need art inspiration? Head over to my art inspiration blog at http://mayonakasun-artinspire.blogspot.com/ Thank you!

Please note, all of these rules apply to the contents of my entire blog, please read carefully!
All of my drawings/paintings/ digital/ art pieces belong to me (MayonakaSun) and have been made by me alone unless otherwise stated in my posts.

All text/writing/reviews are written by me (MayonakaSun) and written by myself (MayonakaSun) alone again unless otherwise stated in my posts.

You Do Not have permission to copy, repost, reproduce, print, paste or sell ANY of my art work and/or text/ writing that I have posted though out my blog and/or on my deviantART page.

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Update:My artwork will now also be seen on my tumblr as well as the sites mentioned above. Same rules apply to my tumblr as the rest.
Update2:My artwork will now also be featured in my Youtube videos as well as the sites mentioned above. Same rules apply to my Youtube account as the rest.
My/Me/ I /myself= MayonakaSun :- The owner of this blog and other sites mentioned above.

You= yourself reading/person(s) reading/viewing.

Art work/Art pieces = Digital art, traditional art, tutorials, drawings, paintings and crafts all made by me.

Text/writing= Reviews, tutorial explanation(s), art work write up/explanation(s).

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