Sunday, 1 November 2015

I can never call myself a blogger!

5 reasons I can never call myself a blogger.
The title is very self explanatory.
Why? I'll tell you why!

1. I can't type properly.
I'm no good at typing. The amount of times I spell things wrong is ridiculous!
Even in this one sentence before I go spell checking I have six spelling mistakes. That's not because I can't spell them, it's because I can't type properly. I'm just used to using keyboards for playing games now a days not typing full sentences like I used to!

2. I'm not that exciting.
Before I use to blog about uni or going to the cinema. Thing is writing reviews got tedious and I finished uni. What more can I type about that I can't just show in photos on different media? I don't go out much. Well I do but its not stuff to blog about! Like I said I would rather just upload a photo of it elsewhere than have to watermark it and put it on my blog now a days. Just seems more convenient.

3. No One reads my blog!
Lets face it. No One reads my blog. Why would I continuously update my blog like I used to when no one reads it. I used to make daily posts! Do you know how hard that is to keep up with university and work experience?!? I would do my uni work as I ate, then get straight to blogging about my day til I went to bed! Then for no one to read. Its deflating, so yes I kinda just neglected updating it.

4. Finding a niche is hard.
My blog is a mix mash of a lot of things. Why? Because when I started my blog way back in December 2009 I didn't know what I was doing. If I could go back and start my blog again would I? Yes! I have film reviews, nail art, music and art all in one blog! How am I going to find an audience for that unless they also like all of those things?!? No wonder I don't have anybody reading!! Phew haha~

5. I'm useless at keeping up to date.
Blogging doesn't come natural to me anymore. Well I don't think it ever did, but I tried! I'm no good at juggling things like I used to now I'm working weird hours, trying to build my brand and saving money for bigger things for my future fashion career . Blogging just comes as an afterthought when I'm looking through my old links to update (like I did this evening and is now why I'm typing this post!). I actually really enjoy blogging when I'm in the flow of typing. Or should I say attempting to string a sentences together that eventually make sense, but time and finding inspiration for my posts comes hard when I have easier sharing solutions online now a days!

So theres my reasons. Blogging is hard. I guess for those who have made it successful blogging good for them! But I could never call myself a blogger! Haha
Whoever does read. If any. Thank you for reading! 

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