Tuesday, 25 June 2013

After Earth

~ After Earth ~ 

Yesterday I went to see Will Smith's new film 'After Earth'...trailer looked good for this and although I know its been out for quite awhile now, doesn't mean I'm not going to make a review of it!....Unlike the purge which I watched before Man of Steel and I still haven't made a review of it, even though I really liked it!

Anyway, back on track. What's this film about?...Well it follows Kitai (Jaden Smith) and his dad ...Cyther (Will Smith) as after they crash on Earth....Well what remains after earth when we had to escape...for a reason to be honest I don't know, beside alien things....

Anyway, this film starts of with complete action....However not explosion action nor fighting, its weird action. Just more settin the pace and scene of the film as a whole. yeah I'm not going to be saying what actually happens. Even though to be honest, its been spoiled in trailers already and practically all the story has been said in trailer anyway.

Now, acting. As we all know Jaden is Will Smiths son....I'm completely stating the obvious, but with Jaden even though hes just a kid to me and I don't like kids, Jaden I have always been able to tolerate. His acting is really good in this I find. He portrays emotions well and to be honest stating the obvious again he is picking up of on of his dad quirks in acting, which is pretty cool haha. Anyway, Will Smith as always great acting, nothing more to say about that.

Soundtrack. There was hardly any soundtrack to be honest, or IN MY opinion anyway. It was lead by our own curiosity throughout with sound only really being played during the action. I find its good at keeping suspense put it that way! ....

Hmm, i;ll think I'll finish this with overall, its a good film. I would not reccomend to everyone as I feel a lot of people will find it boring, however if you like thought filled, moral and emotional films then watch it, Im sure you wont be disappointed.

Thanks you for reading. If you have the explanation to why people had to leave earth in the first place please enlighten me in the comment section below.

Films you may like:
* Battle LA
* Prometheus
*Men in Black 

1 comment:

  1. Didn’t hate the movie, but I will admit that it is a bit of a bummer, considering how much of a role Will Smith has actually been on as of late. Nice review Jade.


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