Friday, 19 April 2013

Scary Movie 5
Scary Movie 5  movie review

I do not know why the coding is showing/doing that....I have tried fixing it with no success each time! So I apologize for that! If you have any suggestes for fixing it, Please tell me! I would appreciate it!! :)

Scary Movie. So Scary Movie films have always been one of those films that people either love or hate. This new one however, I think will most likely go down to the 'I hate it route'... However for me, and my friend who have just watched it....we are obviously stupid enough to find near every scene funny....

There is  no real main story as always, beside mix mashing up of different films storys, so some of the movies parodied in Scary Movie 5 are:
*Rise of the planet of the Apes <- a="" everywhere....="" intellignet="" made="" making="""" of="" poo="" them="" thorw="">
*Cabin in the woods <- dogg="" for="" me="" p="" ruined="" s="" scene="" snoop="" this="" title="">
*Mama <- a="" able="" be="" being="" film="" funny.="" i="" it="" know="" not="" now="" to="" watch="" will="" without="">
*Evil Dead <- a="" again="" an="" comedy-ish="" film="" haha....="" horror="" idiot-fest="" into="" made="" yet="">
*Black Swan
*Paranormal Activity.

My main issue with  this new one when seeing the trailers  was, 'where is Cindy and Brenda?!?'...and 'Who are these new people?!?' assured 'old' scary movie fans...they are not replacements! They are completely new characters!....And they do a good job at living up to the stupidness of the old.

Basic what all scary movie films come down to real I think is, 'Is it funny?'
This is an opinion that will differ from person to person majorly.  I find has pushed the stupidity to a new which, near every single scene involved something....well....stupid. The humour is terrible and over the top, literally like an idiot spat some stuff up and made a film....which is why I said it'll probably go down the 'I hate it route' as (like I keep repeating!) most of the humour is just plain stupid.

Overall what I'm trying to say is, if you like  5 years funny stuff like 'poo jokes', silly comments like 'where did (something) go if a shadow goes over it', dancing swimming pool cleaners and people making stupid noises.... then congrats you're like me and you'll like this film. If you don't find any of those types of things funny, then you will not like this film simpe as that yeah.

If you have seen this film tell me what you think of it in the comments below and thank you for reading.

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*Vampires Suck

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