Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Puss In Boots Review

 ~ Puss in Boots ~

*Vague, as to not spoil anything!*
Just watch the 'ages' ago now release of the new Puss in Boots.
Just as a note before reading....As I'm a cat person, meaning I love cats, I instantly like Puss in boots hahaha.....
Rigght so on with the review

What is this film about then? As we all know Puss in Boots is a character from the popular 'Shrek'. But when watching it this film it actually has nothing to do with Shrek at all and literally just shows the prequel of 'how Puss in Boots become a legend'. Anyway, its about Puss (Antonio Bandras) is on a 'mission' to hunt and find 'The Magic beans'. On this quest he encounters the pretty lil' Kitty Soft Paws (Salma Hayek).Though out this Puss is reunited with his past in which he is met by old friend, now enemy, Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis). With plans being made and deals being done the story follows with meeting the villains of Jack (Billy Bob Thornton) and Jill (Amy Sedaris).

This film is cute!....That's one way I can described it. Its definitely a film for all cat lovers (like me heheh), as it shows just a ton of kitty-antics. From cat dance fighting, cat sword fighting, playful kitty fighting....well lets just say most forms of 'fights' you can 'see' a cat like Puss in Boots doing. It also had the workings of a kitty Latino band heheh~ Just put it this way,its completely and utterly cat dominant.....which yes, I know your thinking 'obviously'...but, as you may know some film-makers like including other animals as 'main' characters too, this one doesn't..blah blah blah~
With all that said, it meant it had quite a bit of action running though out which kept it flowing smoothly along the story.
As I except from a dream works film they CG was great, but being honest all I could think of was 'awww how soft 'lil Puss's fur is, I wanna touch it haha' not much can be said from me on that....

Hmm anything wrong with this film? Hmm besides it beings a kids films, which I know some people will not 'approve' of watching, the only other thing that slightly annoyed me was how rushed the ending seemed. They seemed to just 'shape match' the ending on with what seemed no thought, and I didn't really like that about it. Another thing is..the very end 'fight' 'rescue' 'saviour' scene seemed to drag on as Puss saves a 'certain character'...they just talked too much. But hm that's the only things I can really think that annoyed me..'oh also Humpty Dumpty's charcter, he annoyed me...but I think you would understand why if you watch it.....I can't think of anything else now.But that could be just because I was watching huge cute little kittys on a screen and all the negative thoughts about it was washed away?.....hah..yeah.

Moving on, overall this film is definitely for all cat people! Its also for people like me and don't really like Shrek, but like Puss in Boots, you'll be happy to know this doesn't have Shrek or anything to do with Shrek haha~ I'd say yes, watch this film if you like cats. I don't think it one of those films that is completely worth watching in cinema (unless you have Orange Wednesdays hah) as its really not that great of a film to be worth it. But saying that, as I said above I recon somehow the bad parts will be forgiven as theres cats in it.....or maybe that's me? Oh and I did not watch the film in 3D, so I cant comment on that.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Please tell me what you thought of this film in the comments below! :)~

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